ACG Clinical Guideline: Evaluation of Abnormal Liver Chemistries
ACG 臨床指引: 肝功能異常的評估
♥ 評估肝功能異常應該再重覆檢驗。
♥ C 型肝炎應該驗anti-HCV 及HCV-RNA。
♥ 慢性 B 型肝炎應該驗 HBsAg,急性 B 型肝炎應該驗 HBsAg IgM anti-HBc。
♥ 急性 A 型肝炎應該驗 IgM HAV。急性E型肝炎應該驗 IgM HEV。
♥ 女性每週酒精攝取超過 140 g,男性每週酒精攝取超過 210 g,合併 AST>ALT 應該考慮酒精性肝病。
♥ 當病人肝功能異常但無病毒性肝炎應該考慮血鐵沉積症。
♥ 病人肝功能異常也應該考慮自體免疫疾病。
♥ Wilson’s disease 也應該考慮假如病人年紀小於55歲
♥ 肝臟切片是最後的方式來診斷肝功能異常原因。
♥ Alk-P 跟 GGT 應該一同來評估肝功能異常,不可單獨來看。
♥ 病人 Alk-P 升高但無膽紅素升高應該考慮 PSC 應該要驗 anti-mitochondrial antibody。
♥ 病人呈現急性肝炎、PT 延長或肝性腦病變應該轉至肝臟專家。
Hepatic (generally AST>ALT) | Non-hepatic |
Alcoholic liver disease | Skeletal muscle damage/rhabdomyolysis |
Cirrhosis (of any etiology) | Cardiac muscle damage |
Ischemic hepatitis | Thyroid disease |
Congestive hepatopathy | Macro-AST |
Acute Budd-Chiari syndrome | Strenous exercise |
Hepatic artery damage/thrombosis/occlusion | Heat stroke |
TPN | Hemolysis |
Hepatic (generally ALT>AST) | Adrenal insufficiency |
Steatosis | |
NASH | |
Chronic viral hepatitis | |
Acute viral hepatitis | |
Medications and drug-induced liver injury | |
Prescription medications | |
Herbal products and supplements | |
Over-the-counter agents | |
Toxic hepatitis (amanita exposure) | |
Hemochromatosis | |
Autoimmune hepatitis | |
Wilson’s disease | |
Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency | |
Celiac disease | |
Acute bile duct obstruction | |
Liver trauma | |
Post-liver surgery | |
Veno-occlusive disease/sinusoidal obstruction syndrome | |
Diffuse infiltration of the liver with cancer | |
HELLP syndrome | |
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy | |
Sepsis | |
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis |
AST及ALT異常(小於兩倍上限值、二到五倍上限值)評估流程表 :
AST及ALT異常(超過十五倍上限值或ALT大於10000 U/L)評估流程表:
造成 Alk- P升高的原因 :
Hepatobiliary | Non-hepatic |
Bile duct obstruction | Bone disease |
Choledocholithiasis | Osteomalacia |
Malignant obstruction | Paget’s disease |
Bile duct flukes | Primary bony malignancy |
Bile duct stricture | Bony metastases |
Ductopenia | Hyperthyroidism |
AIDS cholangiopathy | Hyerparathyroidism |
Cholestatic liver diseases | Pregnancy (third trimester) |
Primary biliary cirrhosis | Chronic renal failure |
PSC | Lymphoma |
Medications and drug-induced liver injury | Extra-hepatic malignancy |
Infiltrative diseases of the liver | Congestive heart failure |
Sarcoid | Childhood growth |
Granulomatous hepatitis | Infection |
Tuberculosis | Inflammation |
Amyloid | Influx of alkaline phosphatase after a fatty meal |
Metastatic cancer | Blood type O and B |
Lymphoma | Myeloid metaplasia |
Hepatic abscess | Peritonitis |
Hepatocellular carcinoma | Diabetes mellitus |
Viral hepatitis | Gastric ulcer |
Cirrhosis | Increasing age, especially women |
Vanishing bile duct syndrome | |
Ischemic cholangiopathy | |
Benign recurrent cholestasis | |
Sarcoidosis | |
Alcoholic liver disease | |
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy | |
Benign post-operative jaundice | |
ICU jaundice or multifactorial jaundice | |
TPN | |
Liver allograft rejection | |
Acute alcoholic hepatitis | |
Sickle cell liver crisis | |
Sepsis | |
Congestive heart failure | |
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis |
[註] PSC, primary sclerosing cholangitis; TPN, total parenteral nutrition
造成膽紅素升高的原因 :
Elevated conjugated hyperbilirubinemia | Elevated unconjugated bilirubin |
Bile duct obstruction | Gilbert’s syndrome |
Choledocholithiasis | Crigler-Najjar syndrome |
Malignant obstruction | Hemolysis (intravascular and extravascular) |
Bile duct flukes | Ineffective erythropoiesis |
Bile duct stricture | Resorption of large hematomas |
AIDS cholangiopathy | Neonatal jaundice |
Viral hepatitis | Hyperthyroidism |
Toxic hepatitis | Medications |
Medications or drug-induced liver injury | Post-blood transfusion |
Acute alcoholic hepatitis | |
Ischemic hepatitis | |
Cirrhosis | |
Primary biliary cirrhosis | |
PSC | |
Infiltrative diseases of the liver | |
Sarcoid | |
Granulomatous hepatitis | |
Tuberculosis | |
Metastatic cancer | |
Lymphoma | |
Hepatocellular carcinoma | |
Wilson disease (especially fulminant Wilson’s disease) | |
Autoimmune hepatitis | |
Ischemic hepatitis | |
Congestive hepatopathy | |
Sepsis | |
TPN | |
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy | |
Benign post-operative jaundice | |
ICU or multifactorial jaundice | |
Benign recurrent cholestasis | |
Vanishing bile duct syndrome | |
Ductopenia | |
Dubin-Johnson syndrome | |
Rotor syndrome | |
Sickle cell liver crisis | |
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis |
整體而言, 造成異常的 hepatic panel (含AST, ALT, Alk-P, bilirubin, albumin) 的原因可以歸為三類:
- 肝細胞受傷 (hepatocellular damage)
- 膽汁鬱積 (cholestasis)
- 功能性受損 (functional impairment在 hepatic panel 中僅 albumin 可以真正反應肝臟工作的狀況)
關於 AST 與 ALT 升高時較為常見的幾個 differential diagnoses:
Alkaline Phosphatase升高的鑑別診斷流程:
[Latest revision by the Editorial Panel]