
作者/講者: 王舜禾 醫師
整理: 楊澤斌 醫師
校稿: Ian YC Chen, MD
上次校閱: 2018/08/2ˋ
Lab data 中,鈣 (Ca) 後面的 normal range 是在 albumin = 4g/dL 下的數值。
Ca 的矯正公式是讓我們算出當病人 albumin=4 g/dL 的時候他的血鈣會是多少,以便跟 normal range 做比較。
正常狀況下細胞外面的 Ca 比細胞內的 Ca 多很多,所以人體的機制會把血 Ca 控制在很精準的範圍內。
磷 (P) 在細胞內外濃度就沒差那麼多。
Ca-sensing receptor 受 pH 值影響 ==> 血液變鹼時 (alkalosis),血鈣會降低
副甲狀腺受細胞外液的 Ca 影響。
副甲狀腺受細胞外液的 Ca 影響,身體對低血鈣很敏感,當血 Ca 降低一點的時候 intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) 就會馬上飆升。
血鈣升高時 iPTH 濃度反而沒有很大的改變。
Paraneoplastic syndrome: squamous cell carcinoma 可能分泌 parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) 造成高血鈣 (hypercalcemia)
Postpartum osteoporosis: 乳房分泌 PTHrP==> 骨頭裡的 Ca 被釋放至血液中,供小嬰兒成長
PTH 作用在 osteoblast 上,分泌 RANK-L 和 M-CSF,進而刺激 osteoclast 成熟去分解骨頭,造成血中 Ca 和 P 上升。
Calcium reabsorption and calcium-sensing receptor in the nephron.
(A) Proximal tubule: 50%–60% of filtered Ca2+ is reabsorbed paracellularly. Luminal calcium-sensing receptor (CSR) activation counteracts parathyroid hormone (PTH)-mediated Pi excretion, thereby promoting Pi conservation.
(B) Thick ascending limb: 30%–35% of filtered Ca2+ is reabsorbed paracellularly. Basolateral CSR inhibits potassium excretion via renal outer medullary potassium channel (ROMK), diminishing Ca2+ (as well as magnesium) reabsorption. Diminished potassium exit also reduces NaCl reabsorption via NKCl2, analogous to the effect of loop diuretics.
(C) Distal convoluted tubule: 10% of filtered Ca2+ is reabsorbed transcellularly. Basolateral CSR inhibits plasma membrane calcium ATPase (PMCA), thereby inhibiting transcellular Ca2+ reabsorption.
(D) Collecting duct: in the principle cells, activation of CSR inhibits retention of aquaporin-2 in the luminal-surface of the plasma membrane, thereby inhibiting antidiuretic hormone-mediated water conservation, causing renal water wasting. In the intercalated cells, CSR promotes the activity of proton pump (H+-ATPase), enhancing urine acidification, thereby minimizing the risk of Ca2+ × Pi supersaturation.
Nutrients. 2013 Jun; 5(6): 1913–1936.
Pi : inorganic phosphate
PTH 在 proximal tublue 抑制 Na-P cotransporter,促進排 P 的作用。
PTH 在 proximal tublue 也會促進 CYP27B1(1α-hydroxylase),讓 25-OH VitD 變成1,25-OH2 VitD。
Localization of the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) in the kidney tubule.
a | CaSR expression and function in the proximal tubule. The CaSR blunts the phosphaturic action of parathyroid hormone (PTH), inhibits the activity of CYP27B1 (25-hydroxyvitamin D3 1α-hydroxylase), and promotes acidification via the sodium–hydrogen exchanger SLC9A3, which in turns drives Na+ accumulation in the interstitium and solute reabsorption.
b | CaSR in the thick ascending limb (TAL). Hypercalcaemia activates the CaSR in the TAL, which leads to inhibition of the renal outer medulla K+ (ROMK) channel, thereby preventing apical K+ recycling — the rate-limiting step for Na-K-Cl cotransporter (SLC12A1) activity. This effect leads to a loss of the driving force for paracellular cation reabsorption. Thus, hypercalcaemia mimics the effects of loop diuretics and recapitulates Bartter syndrome types 1 and 2 phenotypes, ascribed to mutations in the genes encoding SLC12A1 and ROMK, respectively. This effect is also mimicked by activating mutations in the CaSR gene that causes type 5 Bartter syndrome with hypercalciuria, hypokalaemic alkalosis and hyper-reninaemic hyperaldosteronism. Bartter syndrome types 3 and 4 are caused by mutations in the genes encoding the basolateral Cl− channel, CLCKB, or its auxiliary subunit, Barttin, respectively. CaSR activation also directly regulates paracellular permeability via NFATc1–miRNA–CLDN14 signalling.
c | CaSR in the distal convoluted tubule (DCT). At the apical membrane, the CaSR is biochemically associated with the 1,25(OH)2D3-regulated transient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 5 (TRPV5). Increased Ca2+ delivery to the DCT results in CaSR activation and increased apical Ca2+ entry via TRPV5. Intracellularly, calbindin–D28K (CALB1) delivers Ca2+ to the basolateral membrane where Ca2+ exits the cell via active mechanisms (ATP2B1 and SLC8A1). The CaSR also decreases the surface expression of the K+ channel KCNJ10, which results in inhibition of NaCl2 reabsorption.
d | CaSR in the collecting duct. In the presence of an antidiuretic stimulus, Ca2+ concentrations in the pre-urine can become super-saturating, potentially leading to Ca2+ stone formation. When the luminal Ca2+ concentration becomes critically high it activates the apical CaSR which, in principal cells, blunts vasopressin-mediated apical insertion of the aquaporin 2 (AQP2) water channel and the rate of water reabsorption. In intercalated cells, CaSR activation leads to luminal acidification. Overall, these two effects result in the production of a dilute, acidified urine, which reduces the risk of nephrolithiasis. 20-HETE, 20-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid; ATP2B1, plasma membrane calcium-transporting ATPase 1; AQP, aquaporin; AVP, arginine vasopressin; Cld, claudin; miRNA, microRNA; NFAT, nuclear factor of activated T cells; SLC8A1, sodium–calcium exchanger 1; SLC12A3, solute carrier family 12 member 3; PTH1R, parathyroid hormone 1 receptor; SLC4A4, sodium bicarbonate cotransporter 1.
Nat. Rev. Nephrol. doi:10.1038/nrenph.2016.59
PTH 在 thick ascending limb 會間接促進 NKCC2 pump 和 ROMK 作用,ROMK 讓 K 往尿中打,造成外面的陽離子比較多,細胞就會回收 Ca、Mg 回來讓電荷平衡 (回收 Ca)。
PTH 在 distal tubule 會經由增加 cAMP、打開 TRPV5 channel,讓 Ca 從尿中回收進來,再經由 ATP pump 或 Na-Ca exchange transporter 把 Ca 運到血中。
使用 furosemide 時,抑制了 NKCC2,導致流過 distal tubule 的尿中 Na 濃度變高,distal tubule cell 中的 Na 濃度也會增高,導致 Na-Ca exchange transporter 無法把 Na 從血中打進 tubule cell,Ca 也就很難回到血中,造成低血鈣。
使用 thiazide 時,抑制了 distal tublue 的 Na-Cl cotransporter,造成 distal tubule cell 中的 Na 濃度變低, Na-Ca exchange transporter 就更容易把 Ca 打到血中,造成高血鈣。
Mechanisms of renal calcium transport
In the thick ascending limb of Henle’s loop, the creation of a lumen poparathyroid hormone and 1,25(OH)2D3sitive voltage tends to drive Ca2+ and Mg2+ through a paracellular path and thereby produces a high rate of reabsorption of the divalent ions. The CaSR modulates this transport activity by altering rates of K efflux and thereby contributing to the lumen positive voltage. In the distal convoluted tubule, a three-step process facilitates active and transcellular Ca2+ transport. The first step is entry of luminal Ca2+ at the apical side of the cell through the TRPV5 channel. Subsequently, calbindin, a calcium binding protein buffers Ca2+ and the Ca2+ diffuses to the basolateral membrane. At the basolateral membrane, Ca2+ is extruded by across the basolateral membrane by NCX. This process is controlled by calciotropic hormones, including parathyroid hormone and 1,25(OH)2D3.
NKCC, sodium potassium-2-chloride co-transporter;
ROM-K, renal outer medullary potassium channel;
CaSR, calcium sensing receptor;
NaKATPase, sodium potassium ATPase;
+, stimulates;
−, inhibits;
NCC, sodium chloride co-transporter;
NCX, sodium calcium exchanger;
TRPV5, transient receptor potential vanilloid membrane calcium channel
Nutrients 2013, 5(12), 4880-4893
VitD 作用在腸胃道中造成 Ca、P 一起吸收,一起增加。
- 腸胃道造成的高血鈣,會看到 Ca、P 一起增加。
- 骨頭造成的高血鈣,會看到 Ca、P 一起增加。
- PTH 造成的高血鈣,因為作用在腎臟非常的強力,會看到 Ca 高 P 低。
看到一個人 Ca 高 P 低,要想會不會是因為 PTH effect;反之看到一個人 Ca 低 P 高,要想他是不是缺少 PTH。
PTH 會作用在腎臟近曲小管,造成 1α-hydroxylase 增加。
P 太高時,FGF23 會出現,會抑制 Na-P cotransporter,促進腎臟排 P。
Tumor induced osteomalacia: tumor 分泌 FGF23,會抑制 VitD 的製造,也會抑制 iPTH 的 expression。
Ca 高 P 低 ==> PTH effect
iPTH 高到425 pg/mL,太高了,應該是 primary hyperparathyroidism。
iPTH 半衰期 45 分鐘。
手術中測 iPTH,如果割掉一個副甲狀腺後 iPTH 正常,那應該就是 adenoma,反之則是 hyperplasia。
正常人每天尿 Ca 100~300 mg。
Ans: (2) pheochromocytoma
看到 hyperparathroidism 要小心 MEN 2A !!
Ca 高 P 低 ==> PTH effect
iPTH 不夠高,才 104.4 pg/mL,很難分是 adenoma/hyperplasia/carcinoma 還是 calcium sensing problems,所以下一步要驗尿 Ca
FeCa < 0.01 ==> 低尿鈣
Miliary TB (granuloma 中的 macrophages and giant cells 中的 1α hydroxylase 會增加 expression,因此 facilitate 1,25-(OH)2 VD3 的 production)
Ans: (1)
Ca 低 P 低,Ca、P 一起變動,應該不像是 PTH effect
Suspect Vitamin D deficiency ==> 測 VitD
Zometa (zoledronic acid) 造成骨頭 turnover 下降,Ca、P 都會降低。
Prostate cancer 的 bone meta是 osteoblastic metastasis。
Ca 低 P 高,懷疑跟 PTH 有關係
Pseudohypoparathyroidism ==> PTH hormone resistance syndrome
Ca 高 P 正常 (low normal),iPTH high normal ==> 不像是骨頭或腸胃道 VitD 的問題
正常人每天尿 Ca 100~300 mg,此病患尿鈣低 ==> FHH
Ans: C
Ca 高 P 正常,iPTH 高 ==> 不像是骨頭或腸胃道 VitD 的問題
Ectopic PTH 比較常見在 squamous cell carcinoma,乳癌較少見
Ans: C
內分泌範圍考到打籃球昏倒 ==> pheochromocytoma
MEN 2A (hyperparathyroidism,medullary thyroid carcinoma,pheochromocytoma)