Relief of Pain and Inflammation : Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Agents (NSAID)
OACEO2 “ACEO capsule” 90 mg/cap
Usual dose:
Rheumatic disorders and Inflammatory disorders: 30-60 mg qd-tid.
Acute gout: initial 120 mg, followed by 60 mg q8h (for a total dose of 300 mg in the first 24 h) until symptoms subside. max. 600 mg/day. Daily doses > 180 mg should not be given for > 7 days.
Blood dyscrasias, current gastric and duodenal ulcer, children < 14 yrs, last trimester of pregnancy.
Precaution: History of gastric or duodenal ulcers.
Adverse effect:
GI disturbances, headache, dizziness, symptoms of epilepsy.