Anti-infective Agents : Antifungal Agents
IFUNG1 “Fungizone IV infusion” 50 mg/vial
ILIPO6 “Lipo-AB for injection” 50 mg/vial
IFUNG1:黴菌病性感染症、對發燒的重度嗜中性白血球缺乏 症患者可能罹患黴菌感染症之經驗療法。
ILIPO6:1.骨髓移植後併發腎毒性出現侵入性黴菌感染。2.腎功能不全之麴菌屬、念珠菌屬或囊球菌屬類的菌種感染病患。3.治療感染囊球菌菌腦膜炎的HIV患者。4.治療麴菌屬、念珠菌屬或是囊球菌屬類的菌種感染,或是無法用Amphotericin B deoxycholate治療的病患,或是腎功能不全或無法耐受Amphotericin B deoxycholate所產生的毒性之病患。5.治療臟器的利時曼氏病。在免疫不全且患有臟器的利時曼氏病之患者使用Amphotericin B Liposome for Injection治療,在初期寄生蟲清除後仍有高復發率。6.對發燒的重度嗜中性白血球缺乏症患者可能罹患黴菌感染症之經驗療法。
Usual dose:
0.25-1 mg/kg/day, max. 1.5 mg/kg/day.
Contraindication: hypersensitivity to amphotericin B or any other component of the product
Precaution: do not mix with NS or other drugs; filter with 5-micron filter needle, dilute further in D5W to a final concentration of 1 to 2 mg/mL (0.2 to 0.5 mg/mL may be appropriate for infants and small children); use within 6 hours; risk of potentially fatal cardiac, cardiorespiratory arrest, and nephrotoxicity should be monitored.
Adverse effect: hypotension, thrombophlebitis, injection site pain, diarrhea, indigestion, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, anemia, normochromic, normocystic, arthralgia, myalgia, headache, tachypnea, fever, infusion reaction, malaise, shivering.