
Hematological Agents : Anticoagulants
OELIQ1 “Eliquis FC tablet 5 mg/tab

適應症:用於成人非瓣膜性心房纖維顫動病患且有以下至少一項危險因子者預防發生中風與全身性栓塞。危險因子包括:(1)曾發生腦中風或短暫性腦缺血發作(transient ishemic attack),(2)年齡大於或等於75歲,(3)高血壓,(4)糖尿病,及(5)有症狀之心衰竭 (NYHA Class ≧II)。在成人中治療深靜脈血栓(DVT)與肺栓塞(PE),以及預防深靜脈血栓與肺栓塞復發。

Usual dose:

5 mg taken orally twice daily.

Dose Adjustments:

Renal impairment, nonvalvular atrial fibrillation, serum creatinine >1.5 mg/dL: 2.5 mg orally twice daily if aged 80 years or older or body weight <60 kg.


Active pathological bleeding. Severe hypersensitivity reaction to apixaban. (e.g., anaphylactic reactions)


Increased risk of thrombotic events after premature discontinuation, bleeding, spinal/epidural anesthesia or puncture, patients with prosthetic heart valves, acute pe in hemodynamically unstable patients or patients who require thrombolysis or pulmonary embolectomy.

Adverse effect:

Increased risk of thrombotic events after premature discontinuation, Bleeding, Spinal/epidural anesthesia or puncture.

健保使用規範: Apixaban(如Eliquis)(103/6/1)










(2)14 天內發生中風。



(5)肌酸酐清除率小於 30 mL/min。


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