Psychopharmacologic Drugs : Antipsychotics
OABIL2 “Abilify tablet” 15 mg/tab
OABIL3 “Abilify tablet” 5 mg/tab
Usual dose:
Bipolar I disorder, monotherapy, manic or mixed episodes:
Adult: 10-15 mg qd; max. 30 mg qd.
Pediatric (≧10 yrs): initial, 2 mg qd for 2 days, then 5 mg qd for 2 days, then target dose of 10 mg qd, max. dose 30 mg qd, titrated in 5 mg/day increments.
Adult: initial, 10-15 mg qd; maintenance, max. 30 mg/day; increase dose only after 2 wks at each dose strength.
Pediatric: initial, 2 mg qd; increase to 5 mg after 2 days and to 10 mg (target dose) after 2 more days, max. 30 mg/day.
Adverse effect:
Common: weight gain, constipation, nausea , vomiting, akathisia, dizziness, extrapyramidal sign, headache, insomnia, sedated, somnolence, tremor, blurred vision, anxiety, restlessness, fatigue.
Serious: prolonged QT interval, diabetic ketoacidosis, immune hypersensitivity reaction, cerebrovascular accident, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, seizure, tardive dyskinesia, transient ischemic attack, at risk for suicide, suicidal behavior, death.
1.需合乎衛生主管機關許可之適應症範圍,並需符合下列條件 (1)開始使用「第二代抗精神病藥品」時需於病歷記載:醫療理由或診斷,以及臨床整體評估表(CGI)之分數;(2)經規則使用六至八週後,需整體評估其療效,並於病歷記載:臨床整體評估表之分數;(3)日劑量超過時15 mg/day,須於病歷記載理由。