Relief of Pain and Inflammation : Narcotic Analgesics
ICISA1 “Cisatracurium injection” 2 mg/ml; 5 ml/amp
INIMB1 “Nimbex injection” 2 mg/ml; 5 ml/amp
(1) iv bolus 0.15mg/kg over 5″-10″
(2) maintain: 0.03mg/kg
(3) icu initially: 3mcg/kg/min
(1) 肝腎衰竭者可健保使用2天
(2) 勿單獨使用(會像鬼壓床!!)
Usual dose: PO
Adult: Induction of neuromuscular blockade, Adjunct to general anesthesia, to facilitate tracheal intubation, and to provide skeletal muscle relaxation during surgery or mechanical ventilation: initial, 0.15-0.20 mg/kg IV bolus as components of a propofol/nitrous oxide/oxygen induction-intubation technique; maintenance, 0.03 mg/kg IV.
(1-23 mon): initial, 0.15 mg/kg IV over 5-10 s during either halothane or opioid anesthesia.
(2-12 yrs): initial, 0.1-0.15 mg/kg IV over 5-10 s during either halothane or opioid anesthesia; maintenance, initial IV infusion of 3 mcg/kg/min; then decrease to 1-2 mcg/kg/min IV infusion.
Dose adjustment:
Concomitant stable isoflurane or enflurane anesthesia: maintenance IV infusion, 30-40% reduction in infusion rate.
Coronary artery bypass surgery with induced hyperthermia: maintenance infusion rate may be reduced by approximately 50%.
Adverse effect:
Serious: bradyarrhythmia (0.4%), hypotension (0.2%), bronchospasm (0.2%).