Fluphenazine Decanoate【C】

Psychopharmacologic Drugs : Antipsychotics
IFLUC1 “Flucan injection” 25mg/ml; 1ml/amp.


Usual dose:

Schizophrenia: IM/SC

Adult: initial, 12.5-25 mg IM or SC with the dose being repeated or increased as needed and tolerated; generally a single injection may control symptoms up to 4-6 wks; maintenance, usually 50 mg IM or SC q1-4w, as needed and tolerated, doses > 50 mg should be cautiously increased in 12.5 mg increments, max. 100 mg.


( 5-12 yrs): 3.125-12.5 mg IM or SC q1-3w.

(≧12 yrs): 6.25-18.75 mg/wk, the dose being increased to 12.5-25 mg and administered q1-3w.

Dose adjustment:

Geriatric: 50% of the usual adult dose.


Comatose or severely depressed p’ts, p’ts receiving large doses of central nervous system depressants, presence of blood dyscrasias or liver damage, subcortical brain damage.

Adverse effect:

CNS, autonomic nervous system, metabolic, endocrine, hematologic, hepatic and allergic reactions; persistent tardive dyskinesia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome.

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