Follitropin Alfa (r-hFSH) 【X】

Hormones and Agents Affecting Hormonal Mechanism : Anterior Pituitary and Hypothalanic Function
IGONA4 “Gonal-F injection” 450 IU/0.75 mL/vial
IGONA2 “Gonal-F injection 75 IU(5.5 mcg)/amp

適應症:(1)婦女經CLOMIPHENE CITRATE治療,仍無法排卵者(含多囊性卵巢症,PCOD) 。(2)對於實施人工生殖協助技術(ART),如體外受精(IVF),配子輸卵管植入(GIFT),合子輸卵管植入(ZIFT)的病人,可刺激其多濾泡發育。(3)與黃體刺激素(LH)併用,使用於嚴重缺乏黃體刺激激素與濾泡刺激激素患者的濾泡刺激成長。

Usual dose: SC

Female infertility: 150 IU daily in early follicular phase, until sufficient follicular development; MAX duration 10 days; administer hCG once follicular development is evident;(over 35 years with suppressed gonadotropin levels) 225 IU daily until adequate follicular development; may adjust dose after 5 days in 75 to 150 IU increments at 3 to 5 day intervals; MAX dose 450 IU/day; administer hCG once follicular development is evident.

Spermatogenesis induction: following hCG pretreatment, 150 IU 3 times a week up to 18 months; dose may be increased to MAX 300 IU 3 times a week; administer with hCG

Ovulation induction: initial, 75 IU daily; may increase dose by 37.5 IU after 14 days, depending on response; additional adjustments, if needed, every 7 days; MAX dose 300 IU/day, MAX duration 35 days; administer hCG 1 day after last dose.


Abnormal uterine bleeding of undetermined origin, , organic intracranial lesion (pituitary tumor), ovarian cyst or enlargement of undetermined origin, sex hormone dependent tumors of the reproductive tract and accessory organs, uncontrolled thyroid or adrenal dysfunction.

Adverse effect:

Common: abdominal pain, nausea, headache, cyst of ovary.

Serious: atelectasis, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, abnormal vaginal bleeding, arterial thromboembolism, acute respiratory distress syndrome.

健保使用規範:FSH (pure FSH)用於誘發排卵時,限hypothalamus failure(下視丘功能衰竭)患者,事前專案報准後使用(85/1/1)。

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