Ketorolac tromethamine【C】

Relief of Pain and Inflammation : Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Agents (NSAID)
IKETO1 “Keto injection” 30 mg/ml; 1 ml/amp
ILAST1Laston injection” 30 mg/ml; 1 ml/amp
OKETO3 “Keto EM capsule”10 mg/cap


IKETO1, ILAST1:短期(≦5天)使用於緩解無法口服之病人之中重度急性疼痛,通常使用於手術後。


Usual dose:

Adult (< 65 yrs): 60 mg IM or 30mg IV for 1 dose or 30 mg IM or IV q6h, max. 120 mg/day.

Pediatric (2-16 yrs): 1 mg/kg IM for 1 dose, max. 30 mg, 0.5 mg/kg IV for 1 dose, max. 15 mg.

Dose adjustment:

Geriatric (> 65 yrs), Renal impairment: 30 mg IM for 1 dose or 15 mg IM q6h, max. 60 mg/day, 15 mg IV for 1 dose or 15 mg q6h, max. 60 mg/day.


IV bolus must be given > 15 sec, therapy should < 5 days, all routes combined.

Adverse effect:

Common: edema, hypertension, injection site pain, pruritus, rash, sweating symptom, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia, flatulence, nausea, stomatitis, vomiting, anemia, purpuric disorder, dizziness, headache, somnolence.

Serious: myocardial infarction, palpitations, syncope, thrombotic tendency observations, scaling eczema, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, toxic epidermal necrolysis, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, gastrointestinal perforation, inflammatory disorder of digestive tract, melena, pancreatitis, anemia, bleeding, leukopenia, thrombocytopenic disorder, hepatitis, increased liver function test, jaundice, liver failure.


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