
Psychopharmacologic Drugs : Antipsychotics
IRISP1 “Risperdal Consta injection” 25 mg/vial
IRISP2 “Risperdal Consta injection” 37.5 mg/vial
ORISP4 “Risperdal oral sol’n” 1 mg/ml; 30 ml/bot
ORISP5 “Risperidone FC tablet” 2 mg/tab
OSERI1 “Seridol oral sol’n” 1 mg/ml; 30 ml/bot
OAPAR1 “Apa-Risdol FC tablet” 2 mg/tab


IRISP1, IRISP2:治療急性及慢性精神分裂症之精神病及其他有明顯活性症狀(如幻覺、妄想、思考障礙、敵意、多疑)和/或負性症狀(如情感遲滯、情緒和社交退縮、缺乏言談)的精神異常狀況。亦可減輕伴隨精神分裂症產生之情感症(如抑鬱、愧疚感、焦慮)。

OAPAR1, ORISP4, ORISP5, OSERI1:精神分裂症之相關症狀,雙極性疾患之躁症發作。治療失智症病人具嚴重攻擊性,或精神分裂症類似症狀。

Usual dose:

Manic bipolar I disorder: PO

Initial, 2-3 mg qd; maintenance, dosing increments 1 mg/day at intervals of at least 24 h, slowly increase to≦6 mg/day.

Schizophrenia: PO

Initial, 1 mg bid, as tolerated, to a target dose of 3 mg bid on the 3rd day or 1 mg qd, with increases to 2 mg daily on the 2nd day to a target dose of 4 mg qd on the 3rd day; maintenance, small dose adjustments of 1-2 mg are recommended at intervals of > 1 wk.

Schizophrenia: IM

Initial: 25 mg or 12.5 mg q2w; 37.5 mg or 50 mg at intervals of≧4 wks; max. 50 mg q2w.

Dose adjustment:

Severe hepatic/renal impairment, geriatric:

PO: 0.5mg bid, slowly increases to > 1.5mg bid.

IM: If a 2 mg oral dose is well tolerated, 25 mg long-acting injection may be given IM q2w.

Adverse effect:

Common: insomnia, agitation, anxiety, headache. Less common: somnolence, fatigue, dizziness, impaired concentration, constipation, dyspepsia, nausea/vomiting, abdominal pain, blurred vision, priapism, erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory dysfunction, urinary incontinence, rhinitis, rash and other allergic reactions. Occasionally, orthostatic hypotension, reflex tachycardia or hypertension.


1.需合乎衛生主管機關許可之適應症範圍,並需符合下列條件(1)開始使用「第二代抗精神病藥品」時需於病歷記載:醫療理由或診斷,以及臨床整體評估表(CGI)之分數;(2)經規則使用六至八週後,需整體評估其療效,並於病歷記載:臨床整體評估表之分數;(3)日劑量超過時6 mg/day,須於病歷記載理由。


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