
Anti-infective Agents : Aminoglycosides
ISTRE1 “Streptomycin injection” 1 gm/vial


Usual dose: IM

Adult: 1 g q12h, then 500 mg q12h.

Pediatric: 20-40 mg/kg/day divided q6-12h.


Adult: 15 mg/kg/day qd, max. 1 g/day, or 25-30 mg/kg/dose 2-3 times/wk, max. 1.5 gm/dose.

Pediatric: 20-40 mg/kg qd, max. 1 g/day, or 25-30 mg/kg 2-3 times/wk, max. 1.5 gm/day.

Dose adjustment:

Renal failure: change interval, CrCl > 50 ml/min, q24h; CrCl 10-50 ml/min; q24-72h; CrCl < 10 ml/min, q72-96h; hemodialysis: one-half normal dose recommended as supplement after dialysis.

Geriatrics (≧60 yrs): reduced doses.

Adverse effect:

Common: drug-induced eosinophilia, facial paresthesia.

Serious: isease of brain, neuromuscular blockade finding; concomitant anesthesia or muscle relaxants: peripheral neuritis, disorder of optic nerve, disorder of inner ear, nephrotoxicity, concomitant anesthesia.


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