
Relief of Pain and Inflammation : Gout
OSULF1 “Sulfin tablet” 100 mg/tab


Usual dose:

Gouty arthritis, chronic:

Adult: initial, 200- 400 mg/day divided in 2 doses, with meals or hs with milk. Increase dose gradually over a 1-week period titrating to desired urate blood levels to 400-800 mg/day.

Dose adjustment:

Renal failure: CrCl < 10 ml/min, avoid using.


Acute attack of gout, peptic ulcer or symptoms of gastrointestinal inflammation or ulceration, history of renal or uric acid calculi, or urate nephropathy, radiation therapy for malignancy, cancer chemotherapy with rapid cytolytic agents, blood dyscrasias.

Adverse effect:

Common: skin rush, stomach pains, nausea and vomiting, ulcer.

Serious: granulocytopenia, nephrotoxicity.

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