
Respiratory Tract Drugs: Miscellaneous
TSURV1 “Survanta intratracheal susp.

Each ml contains phospholipids 25 mg, triglycerides 0.5-1.75 mg, free fatty acids 1.4-3.5 mg, protein 0.1-1 mg; 8 ml/vial.

適應症:預防和治療早產兒之呼吸窘迫症(Respiratory distress syndrome)。

Usual dose: Pediatric:

Respiratory distress syndrome in the newborn: intratracheally: first dose, 100 mg/kg (4 ml/kg); slowly inject one quarter of dose (> 2-3 sec) via catheter into endotracheal tube, remove catheter and manually ventilate at 60 breaths/min for 30 sec or until stable, reattach catheter and instill next 3 quarter doses using the same procedure; do not suction infant for 1 h after dosing unless significant airway obstruction occurs; during rescue strategy use mechanical ventilator rather than manual ventilation.

Adverse effect:

Serious: transient bradyarrhythmia, desaturation of blood; blocked endotracheal tube, reflux, endotracheal tube.


1.新生兒hyaline membrane disease引起的呼吸窘迫症候群。

2.治療條件:患有hyaline membrane disease引起呼吸窘迫症候群的新生兒,須使用人工呼吸器,且FIO2設定於40%以上,仍無法維持blood gas PaO2大於80mmHg以上或O2 artery/O2 alveoli小於0.2,並排除其他原因,如肺炎所引起的呼吸窘迫情況。

3.使用時機:出生後48小時內最多使用4劑量,第一劑量建議在出生後 8小時內使用。

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