
Ophthalmic Preparations : Miscellaneous
IVISU1 “Visudyne powder for infusion 15 mg/vial


Usual dose:

Classic subfoveal choroidal neovascularization : 6 mg/m2 IV infusion for 10 minutes; followed by light therapy 5 mins after finishing verteporfin infusion. Light dose is 50 J/cm2 of neovascular lesion at intensity of 600 mW/cm2 over 83 seconds.

Adverse effect:

Common: injection site reaction, photopsia, blurred vision, visual field defect, reduced visual acuity.

Serious: atrial fibrillation, hypertension, peripheral vascular disease, Vasovagal attack, malignant neoplasm of gastrointestinal tract; intraocular hemorrhage; increased liver function test; retinal hemorrhage, subretinal hemorrhage, vitreous hemorrhage


14.9.2.新生血管抑制劑 (Anti-angiogenic agents) : Verteporfin (如Visudyne)及Anti-VEGF 如ranibizumab (Lucentis)、aflibercept (Eylea) (100/1/1、 101/5/1、102/2/1、103/8/1、104/5/1、105/2/1、105/7/1)

(3)多足型脈絡膜血管病變型黃斑部病變(PCV)之用藥:Verteporfin (104/5/1)

Ⅰ.病灶限位於大血管弓內(major vessels archade)。



Ⅳ.已產生中央窩下(subfoveal) 結痂者不得申請使用。

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