Cardiovascular – Renal Drugs : Antiplatelets and Thrombolytics
IACTI1 “Actilyse injection” 50 mg/vial
Usual dose:
Acute ischemic stroke:
Adult: 0.9 mg/kg IV (not to exceed 90 mg), infused over 60 min with 10% of the dose given as an initial bolus over 1 min.
Acute myocardial infarction: accelerated IV infusion:
Adult (> 67 kg): (total dose: 100 mg)- give 15 mg IV bolus, 50 mg over 30 min, then 35 mg over 60 min.
Acute myocardial infarction: 3-h IV infusion:
Adult (≧65 kg): 60 mg IV in the 1st h (6-10 mg of which to be given as bolus), 20 mg over the 2nd h, and 20 mg over the 3rd h.
Central venous catheter occlusion:
Adult: 2 mg/2 ml instilled into occluded catheter; up to 2 doses may be used, separated by 120 min.
(≧30 kg): 2 mg/2 ml instilled into occluded catheter; up to 2 doses may be used, separated by 120 min.
(< 30 kg): dose equal to 110% of catheter lumen volume, max. 2 mg/2 ml; up to 2 doses may be used, separated by 120 min.
Arterial thrombosis:
Adult: 1.5 mg/h by transcatheter intra-arterial infusion until lysis of thrombus.
Pediatric: 0.1-0.6 mg/kg for 6 h.
Pulmonary embolism:
Adult: 100 mg IV infused over 2 h; heparin should be instituted near the end of or immediately following the infusion when the partial thromboplastin time or thrombin time returns to twice normal or less.
Contraindication: high risk of haemorrhage.
Adverse effect:
Serious: sepsis, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, venous thrombosis, intracranial hemorrhage, reperfusion arrhythmias, cholesterol embolization, allergic reactions.
健保使用規範:如Actilyse Inj)、tenecteplase (如Metalyse) :用於血管(不含腦血管)血栓時:(91/12/1、100/7/1)
7.醫院於病例發生時,應填寫「全民健康保險使用r-TPA (Actilyse) 或tenecteplase (Metalyse Inj.) 申報表(血管(不含腦血管)血栓病患用)」(請詳附表二-A) 併附兩張有意義之不同時段心電圖於當月份醫療費用申報。(93/1/1)
8.醫院如擬將 r-TPA或tenecteplase列為常備藥品,請於申報時檢附心臟病診斷設備,加護病房 ( ICU或CCU ) 之相關資料,經本局同意後再按使用規定辦理。如Actilyse Inj)用於急性缺血性腦中風時:(93/1/1、100/7/1)
3.使用本藥品前,應先作病人腦部電腦斷層或磁振造影檢查、神經學檢查 (含NIHSS)、心電圖、胸部X光、凝血時間、凝血酶原時間、肝腎功能及血糖,並且必須符合「急性缺血性腦中風之血栓溶解治療檢查表」(請詳附表二-C) 之條件。
4.醫院於病例發生後,於當月醫療費用申報時,應填寫「全民健康保險使用r–TPA (Actilyse) 申請表(急性缺血性腦中風病患用)」(請詳附表二-B),並附注射前及24小時、36小時後之腦部電腦斷層 (或磁振造影檢查) 與NIHSS。