
Hormones and Agents Affecting Hormonal Mechanism : Anterior Pituitary and Hypothalanic Function
OKODA1 “Kodazol capsule” 200 mg/cap


Usual dose:


Initial dose for mild cases, 200-400 mg given in two divided doses; initial dose for moderate to severe cases, 800 mg in two divided doses; adjust depending on p’t response.

Fibrocystic breast changes:

100-400 mg orally daily given in two divided doses depending on p’t response.

Hereditary angioedema:

Initial, 200 mg orally 2-3 times daily; individualize based on p’t clinical response; maintenance, decrease initial dose by 50% or less at intervals of 1-3 months or longer; if attack occurs, daily dose may be increased by up to 200 mg.


Androgen-dependent tumor, breastfeeding, hypersensitivity to danazol, markedly impaired cardiac, hepatic, or renal function, porphyria, pregnancy, thromboembolic disease or active thrombosis and history of such events, undiagnosed abnormal gential bleeding.

Adverse effect:

Common: acne, weight increased.

Serious: syncope, decreased HDL level, thromboembolic disorder, Thrombophlebitis, adenoma of liver, cholestatic jaundice syndrome, elevated levels of transaminase & lactic acid dehydrogenase, hepatic failure, acute, Jaundice, peliosis hepatis, cerebrovascular accident, pseudotumor cerebri, seizure.



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