Ritodrine HCl【B】

Hormones and Agents Affecting Hormonal Mechanism: Uterine Stimulants and Relaxants
IYUTO2 “Yutopar injection” 10 mg/ml; 5 ml/amp
OANPO1Anpo tablet” 10 mg/tab
OYUTO2 “Yutopar tablet” 10 mg/tab


Usual dose:

Preterm labor; Prophylaxis: IV, initial dose of 0.05 mg/min, gradually increased by 0.05 mg q10min, the effective dose is usually between 150-350 mcg/min. The infusion should be continued for 12-24 h after uterine contractions cease.

Preterm labor; Prophylaxis: PO, started 30 min before discontinuing IF. 10 mg q2h for the first 24 h; maintenance, 10-20 mg q4-6h, max. 120 mg/day.

Dose adjustment: no dosage adjustment


Contraindicated for use before the 20th week of pregnancy

Hypersensitivity to ritodrine

Pre-existing maternal medical conditions such as hypovolemia, cardiac arrhythmias associated with tachycardia or digitalis intoxication, uncontrolled hypertension, pheochromocytoma, and bronchial asthma already treated by beta-mimetics and/or steroids.

Conditions of the mother or fetus in which continuation of pregnancy would be hazardous; including antepartum hemorrhage (which requires immediate delivery), eclampsia and severe pre-eclampsia, intrauterine fetal death, chorioamnionitis, maternal cardiac disease, pulmonary hypertension, maternal hyperthyroidism, and uncontrolled maternal diabetes mellitus.


Advanced labor (cervical dilation greater than 4 cm or effacement greater than 80%); efficacy and safety not yet established

Use cautiously in combination with corticosteroids and observe for signs and symptoms of pulmonary edema such as persistent maternal tachycardia greater than 140 beats per minute.

Adverse effect: bradyarrhythmia, malignant hypertension, tachyarrhythmia, erythema, acidosis, electrolyte imbalance, endocrine, nutritional and metabolic finding, galactorrhea, increased body temperature, agranulocytosis, leukocytosis, neutropenia, hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, pulmonary edema.

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